unwritten ...

Monument Valley, Utah
October 2017

almost the last days of the year and it has been another un-productive year for me on writing. i only managed to finish my guilin's entry, which happened like a year ago (2016). i messed up with my blog template and theme, despite trying to improve its appearance etc. i ended up with a half-cook thing, and then started losing the connection with fellow bloggers.

the workload. another typical culprit. i normally do my writing after the office hours, but this year,  most of my weekdays being spent with work till maghrib, and i barely had the motivation to continue editing the pictures and writing.

instagram perhaps another medium that sort of helping to keep the momentum, but the connectivity and its demand, really downgrading my passion and quality of writing. i ended up with hashtag and a picture, most of the time. i deleted my account once, due to some issues, and then revived it back etc. yet, it will never be able to replace the joy of writing. yeap i am echoing my 2018 resolution. hehe. i need to do justice to my great travel anecdotes that i had in 2017.

stay tune (eh)?

what about life (other than travel)?

